조회 용 지불 카드의 처음 6 자리 숫자를 입력하십시오. 직불 카드, 선불 카드 또는 선불 카드 이건간에 매일 업데이트 된 데이터베이스에서 번개 빠른 BIN 검색을 수행하면서 입력 한 은행 식별 번호와 관련된 모든 보안 정보를 제공하면서 편안하게 쉬십시오.

The Netherlands » VISA BIN 조회

깃발 암호 이름 번호 위도 경도
The Netherlands IIN / BIN 조회 NL The Netherlands 528 52.132633 | 5.291266

The Netherlands, VISA - 은행 정보, 카드 종류, 네트워크 및 기타가있는 빈번하게 점검 된 BIN

은행 발급 기관 상표 카드 종류 하위 브랜드 BIN
Abn Amro Bank, N.v. VISA credit PLATINUM 474131
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831264
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831299
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831287
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831203
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533786
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533774
Paysquare B.v. VISA credit GOLD 477258
VISA debit BUSINESS 481071
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831201
Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen- Boerenleenbank B.a. (rabob VISA credit GOLD 417624
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831271
Inlux (netherlands) Bv VISA debit PREPAID 408510
Abn Amro Bank, N.v. VISA credit PURCHASING 44851088
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831234
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831226
Vsb International B.v. VISA credit GOLD 49383108
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533777
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831298
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831263
VISA credit TRADITIONAL 44441916
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831206
Abn Amro Bank, N.v. VISA credit STANDARD 429777
VISA credit TRADITIONAL 44441915
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831231
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831223
VISA debit V PAY 487586
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533787
Paysquare B.v. VISA credit CORPORATE 445620
Interpay Nederland B.v. VISA credit STANDARD 417777
Vsb International B.v. VISA credit GOLD 49383109
Paysquare B.v. VISA credit CORPORATE 477259
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831245
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831200
Hana Bank VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45539603
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533776
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831252
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831205
VISA debit V PAY 487512
International Card Services Bv VISA credit STANDARD 456388
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831260
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831232
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831244
VISA credit TRADITIONAL 44441914
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831274
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831288
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831248
Anwb VISA credit TRADITIONAL 456354
Hana Bank VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45539606
VISA debit V PAY 488068
VISA debit V PAY 487581
Interpay Nederland B.v. VISA credit STANDARD 417776
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831275
Abn Amro Bank, N.v. VISA credit PURCHASING 44851085
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831213
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831243
Inlux (netherlands) Bv VISA debit PROPRIETARY ATM 472304
Vsb International B.v. VISA credit GOLD 49383106
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831208
Ing Bank, N.v. VISA credit PLATINUM 417274
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831289
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831249
First Usa Bank, N.a. VISA debit V PAY 44435329
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831294
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831225
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831282
Hana Bank VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45539605
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533783
VISA debit V PAY 488065
Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. VISA credit TRADITIONAL 45533771
Vsb International B.v. VISA credit GOLD 49383107
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831259
Interpay Nederland B.v. VISA credit STANDARD 402769
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831247
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831235
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831227
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831214
VISA debit BUSINESS 43831215
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BIN 목록 The Netherlands

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